Sunday, August 4, 2013

A fresh, updated job chart!

I am excited to update my job chart this year.  Over the years I have found that it is so helpful for all the kids to have a job to do at the end of the day during "job time".  Some kids have jobs that happen throughout the day as well (answering the phone, carrying the lunch boxes to the cafeteria, etc.), so these kids have two jobs listed on their job pocket.  They do their "day job" throughout the day and "job time" job at the end of the day with everyone else. 

I am attempting to link my new job chart labels to this post.  Click here to access the labels.  This year my plan is to create these pockets for each of my jobs so that I can laminate the pockets more easily than the library pockets I have used in the past.  I then will laminate photos of kids I take on the first day of school and affix each of them to a popsicle stick.  The popsicle sticks then go into the different pockets which designate the students' jobs for the week.  I rotate the sticks each Monday.

I have seen some teachers say they prefer to have kids not switch their jobs as often and assign kids their jobs based on their aptitudes.  I can see how this would be valuable (how many times have I said to myself, "Yeah! It's "so and so's" turn to sweep again this week!") But at the end of the day I think the kids would complain about fairness so I'm just going to continue my job routine as I always have in the past, rotating every Monday.  I'm still excited about updating my labels!  The old ones were starting to look pretty rough.  I also went with minimalist job descriptors this time.  I used to have a job called "Organizar todos los pupitres en filas rectas...." yeah, that's wordy.  Now I am just going with a few words plus a picture.

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